March Break Camp & Spring Reg OPEN!
March Break Camp & Spring Reg OPEN!
Caledonia Gymmies Programs 2024-25
Email: Club Phone: 905 765-1623
All Parents/participants should read the following policies as acceptance is part of the fully completed registration.
Additional emergency contacts at point of registration. Please fill in on your invoice/payment page. you will only be asked to do this one time.
Health and safety
#1. All participants are considered to be in good health upon attending programs. If participants exhibit extreme changes in health during the duration of their program; parents will be contacted for immediate pick up.
#2. Drop off and pick up:
Evening and Weekend should proceed directly to designated program areas as posted.
Drop off and pick up: (there are 3 program areas).
i) All program participants MUST be accompanied into Gymmies facility. All footwear is removed & stored in cubbies.
ii) Parents picking up Roll Call participants (after school program) will need to:
-complete detailed authorized pickup persons on supplementary membership information
- Show ID upon pick up.
- members will not be released to any unauthorized guardian.
(All participants will adhere to the Gymmies Membership Policies)
#3. Class Pickup:
-Every parent must pickup child in the facility. Coach will pass off child to parent only.
Gymmies Membership Policy
Failure to respect and abide by Gymmies Gymnastics Policies can result in immediate suspension and/or membership cancellation to enrollment in our club. Gymmies primary focus is the health and safety of all our membership, participants, and staff.
1. All members must complete an annual online registration for each participant’s program(s).
12.Payment Policy for financially in need families:
A). work with funding sources including (but not limited to): JumpStart, Dream Catcher Fund, Fresh Air Fund.
B). Families receiving funding assistance from the above must complete a detailed form. Registration is not considered complete until confirmation of funding is received.
13.Coach/Gymnast Ratio: The coach/gymnast ratio will be maximum 1:8.
14.Program Feedback is welcomed for all programs including comments on class content, special events, fundraising, staff, facility etc. to: Your feedback makes us better.
14.Uniform: any required clothing will be disclosed with registration & due at the start of the session.
16.Parent viewing: spectators must quietly view without distracting any members, keeping other siblings within arms reach. Photos/videos during class time is strictly prohibited to protect the privacy of all members. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES ARE PARENTS ALLOWED TO ENTER ON TO ANY GYM FLOOR. (unless Parent participation is mandatory as per program). Parents are to remain quiet, non vocal to child, coach, or other children/parents. Phones must remain on silent for any portion of the class.
Here is the Parent Viewing policy for each gym space:
-In Rec Room, Main Gym: We ask families to limit additional siblings/family members whenever possible due to limited space. ALL VIEWING WILL BE ON A SCHEDULED BASIS, no longer open to every class. Schedule will be sent with news letter in the new year.
-In Tot Lot Gym: use the viewing window provided anytime for classes without parent accompaniment. Please limit viewing to 1 spectator per child & limit additional siblings whenever possible due to limited space.
Thank-you for respecting our limited viewing. Once we are fully renovated there will be plenty space for all viewers.
17.Any member unable to follow club safety rules placing themselves or others around them at risk will be immediately removed from the class with remaining classes refunded.
18.Any child experiencing continual behavior difficulties after reminders & parent consultation may be directed to a different class or refunded for the remaining classes. Coaches will tend to minor behavioral adjustments in class through gymmies house rules:
- When coach addresses child/group: stop, look, and listen.
- No hands on any other children or staff
- Positive language only, vulgar or inappropriate language will not be tolerated
*Coaches use constant reminders of rules and "thinking time", a break for children to cool off before joining the group again.
Should behavior continue, a brief conference with parents by coach or senior staff will ensue.
Gymmies Program Behavior Policy
Caledonia Gymmies is an active learning environment that promotes fun through progressive gymnastics programs. Our priority remains as it has always been, the health and safety of all our participants, patrons, and staff. We expect all athletes and campers alike to adhere to the behavioral health and safety policies set out by our club officials to take part in our programs.
These policies include:
Children unable to abide by the behavior policies will have direct intervention from coaching staff.
Minor infractions will be met with reminders with full explanation and addressed on site.
If behavior continues, parents will be notified for immediate pick up.
Every child is granted equal opportunity for participation in Gymmies programs under these conditions and safety guidelines.
If behaviors continue, the child will be removed from the program and family refunded the remaining program time.
21. Gymmis is not responsible for lost, misplaced, or stolen items during any time members or participants attend programs in our facility.
Camps: (Summer, Christmas, March Break)
Participants will adhere to the Gymmies Membership Policies as well as:
Health and safety
#1. All summer participants are considered to be in good health upon attending programs. If participants exhibit extreme changes in health during the duration of their program; parents will be contacted for immediate pick up.
#2. Drop off and pick up:
All camp program / summer class participants MUST be accompanied into Gymmies facility.
Campers will be directed to designated starting points upon arrival.
Evening and Weekend should proceed directly to designated program areas.
#3. Parents picking up camp participants will need to:
- Show ID upon pickup.
-Notify sign-in coach of the parent/adult picking up that day
- notify club of any changes in same day pick up.
- campers will not be released to any unauthorized guardian.
#4. Summer Class Pickup:
-Every parent must pickup child in the facility. Coach will pass off child to parent only.
#5. Campers should attend camp everyday with:
-Lunch, 2 snacks, water bottle, change of clothes (If necessary), hat, sunscreen.
#6. Groups will be divided by ages: 4-5 yrs, 6-7 yrs, and 8+ years.
#7. Before and Afterhours are not available.
#8. All Registrations are final. No refunds for any camp program. Credits may be possible with a doctors note. All campers represent a potential space taken on daily attendances, switching days is not possible.
Gymmies Summer Camper/Program Behavior Policy
Caledonia Gymmies is an active learning environment that promotes fun through progressive gymnastics programs. Our priority remains as it has always been, the health and safety of all our participants, patrons, and staff. We expect all athletes and campers alike to adhere to the behavioral health and safety policies set out by our club officials to take part in our programs.
These policies include:
Children unable to abide by the behavior policies will have direct intervention from coaching staff.
Minor infractions will be met with reminders with full explanation and addressed on site.
If behavior continues, parents will be notified for immediate pick up.
Every child is granted equal opportunity for participation in Gymmies programs under these conditions and safety guidelines.
If behaviors continue, the child will be removed from the program and family refunded the remaining program time.
Membership Policies for Unwell Members including COVID 19 Protocols:
Gymmies will follow all current mandates/practices in conjunction with the Haldimand Norfolk Health Unit, Province of Ontario & Gymnastics Ontario. Since requirements are continually changing all members should visit these sites in regards to stay away time for those with confirmed cases or exposure to a confirmed case for vaccinated members or unvaccinated members.
Gymmies encourages unwell members to stay home, to test, frequent hand hygiene, respiratory etiquette, providing masks should member request.
officials and volunteers and other participants where the activities occur.
(To be executed by Participants under 18 years old)
This is a binding legal agreement. Clarify any questions or concerns before signing. As a participant in the sport of gymnastics and the spectating, orientation, instruction, activities, competitions, programs, and services of Gymnastics Ontario and Grand River Gymmies Gymnastics (collectively the “Activities”), the undersigned, being the Participant and the Participant’s Parent/Guardian (collectively the “Parties”), acknowledge and agree to the terms outlined in this document.
Gymnastics Ontario, Grand River Gymmies Gymnastics and their respective Directors, Officers, committee members, members, employees, coaches, volunteers, officials, participants, agents, sponsors, owners/operators of the facilities in which the activities take place, and representatives (collectively the “Organization”) are not responsible for any injury, property damage, death, expense, loss of income, damage or loss of any kind suffered by the Participant during, or as a result of, participation.
Description and Acknowledgement of Risks
The Parties understand and acknowledge that:
The Activities have foreseeable and unforeseeable inherent risks, hazards, and dangers that no amount of care, caution or expertise can eliminate, including without limitation, the potential for serious bodily injury, permanent disability, paralysis, and loss of mobility.
The Organization may offer or promote online programming (such as webinars, remote conferences, workshops, and online training) which have different foreseeable and unforeseeable risks than in-person programming.
The Organization has a difficult task to ensure safety and it is not infallible. the Organization may be unaware of the Participant’s fitness or abilities, may give incomplete warnings or instructions, may misjudge weather or environmental conditions, and the equipment being used might malfunction.
The Participant is participating voluntarily in the In consideration of that participation, the Parties hereby acknowledge that they are aware of the risks, dangers and hazards and may be exposed to such risks, dangers, and hazards. The risks, dangers and hazards include, but are not limited to:
Contracting COVID-19 or any other contagious virus.
Privacy breaches, hacking, technology malfunction.
Executing strenuous and demanding physical techniques and exerting and stretching various muscle groups.
Vigorous physical exertion, strenuous cardiovascular workouts, and rapid heartbeat.
The failure to properly use any piece of equipment or from the mechanical failure of any piece of equipment or failure to follow instructions.
Spinal cord injuries which may render the Participant permanently paralyzed.
Serious injury to virtually all bones, joints, ligaments, muscles, tendons, and other aspects of the Participant’s body or to the Participant’s general health and well-being.
Abrasions, sprains, strains, fractures, or Concussion or other head injuries, including (but not limited to) closed head injury or blunt head trauma.
Physical contact with other participants, spectators, equipment, and collisions with walls, any gymnastics apparatus, floors, or mats.
Falling, tumbling, or hitting any gymnastics apparatus, the floor, mats, or other surfaces.
Physical contact with other participants (including spotters).
Not wearing appropriate safety or protective equipment.
Failure to act safely or within the Participant’s ability or designated areas.
Negligence of other persons, including other spectators, participants, or employees.
In consideration of the Organization allowing the Participant to participate in the Activities, the Parties agree:
That when the Participant practices or trains in their own space, the Parties are responsible for the Participant’s surroundings and the location and equipment that is selected for the Participant.
That the Participant’s mental and physical condition is appropriate to participate in the Activities and the Parties assume all risks related to the Participant’s mental and physical wellbeing.
That the Participant may experience anxiety while challenging themselves during the Activity.
To comply with the rules and regulations for participation in the Activity.
To comply with the rules of the facility or Organization.
That if the Participant observes an unusual significant hazard or risk, the Participant will remove themselves from participation and bring their observations to a representative of the Organization.
The risks associated with the Activities are increased when the Participant is impaired, and the Participant will not participate if impaired in any way.
That it is their sole responsibility to assess whether any Activities are too difficult for the By the Participant commencing an Activity, they acknowledge and accept the suitability and conditions of the Activity.
That COVID-19 is contagious in nature and the Participant may be exposed to, or infected by, COVID-19 and such exposure may result in personal injury, illness, permanent disability, or loss of life; and that they are responsible for the choice of the Participant’s safety or protective equipment and the secure fitting of that equipment.
In consideration of the Organization allowing the Participant to participate, the Parties agree:
That the Parties are not relying on any oral or written statements made by the Organization or their agents, whether in brochure or advertisement or in individual conversations, to agree to participate in the Activity.
That the Organization is not responsible or liable for any damage to the Participant’s vehicle, property, or equipment that may occur as a result of the Activities; and
That this Agreement is intended to be as broad and inclusive as is permitted by law of the Province of Ontario and if any portion thereof is held invalid, the balance shall, notwithstanding, continue in full legal force.
The Parties agree that in the event that they file a lawsuit against the Organization, they agree to do so solely in the Province of Ontario and they further agree that the substantive law of the Province of Ontario will apply without regard to conflict of law.
The Parties acknowledge that they have read this agreement and understand it, that they have executed this agreement voluntarily, and that this Agreement is to be binding upon themselves, their heirs, their spouses, parents, guardians, next of kin, executors, administrators and legal or personal representatives.
(To be executed by Participants under 18 years old)
This is a binding legal agreement. Clarify any questions or concerns before signing. As a participant in the sport of gymnastics and the spectating, orientation, instruction, activities, competitions, programs, and services of Gymnastics Ontario and Grand River Gymmies Gymnastics (collectively the “Activities”), the undersigned, being the Participant and the Participant’s Parent/Guardian (collectively the “Parties”), acknowledge and agree to the terms outlined in this document.
Gymnastics Ontario, Grand River Gymmies Gymnastics and their respective Directors, Officers, committee members, members, employees, coaches, volunteers, officials, participants, agents, sponsors, owners/operators of the facilities in which the activities take place, and representatives (collectively the “Organization”) are not responsible for any injury, property damage, death, expense, loss of income, damage or loss of any kind suffered by the Participant during, or as a result of, participation.
Description and Acknowledgement of Risks
The Parties understand and acknowledge that:
The Activities have foreseeable and unforeseeable inherent risks, hazards, and dangers that no amount of care, caution or expertise can eliminate, including without limitation, the potential for serious bodily injury, permanent disability, paralysis, and loss of mobility.
The Organization may offer or promote online programming (such as webinars, remote conferences, workshops, and online training) which have different foreseeable and unforeseeable risks than in-person programming.
The Organization has a difficult task to ensure safety and it is not infallible. the Organization may be unaware of the Participant’s fitness or abilities, may give incomplete warnings or instructions, may misjudge weather or environmental conditions, and the equipment being used might malfunction.
The Participant is participating voluntarily in the In consideration of that participation, the Parties hereby acknowledge that they are aware of the risks, dangers and hazards and may be exposed to such risks, dangers, and hazards. The risks, dangers and hazards include, but are not limited to:
Contracting COVID-19 or any other contagious virus.
Privacy breaches, hacking, technology malfunction.
Executing strenuous and demanding physical techniques and exerting and stretching various muscle groups.
Vigorous physical exertion, strenuous cardiovascular workouts, and rapid heartbeat.
The failure to properly use any piece of equipment or from the mechanical failure of any piece of equipment or failure to follow instructions.
Spinal cord injuries which may render the Participant permanently paralyzed.
Serious injury to virtually all bones, joints, ligaments, muscles, tendons, and other aspects of the Participant’s body or to the Participant’s general health and well-being.
Abrasions, sprains, strains, fractures, or Concussion or other head injuries, including (but not limited to) closed head injury or blunt head trauma.
Physical contact with other participants, spectators, equipment, and collisions with walls, any gymnastics apparatus, floors, or mats.
Falling, tumbling, or hitting any gymnastics apparatus, the floor, mats, or other surfaces.
Physical contact with other participants (including spotters).
Not wearing appropriate safety or protective equipment.
Failure to act safely or within the Participant’s ability or designated areas.
Negligence of other persons, including other spectators, participants, or employees.
In consideration of the Organization allowing the Participant to participate in the Activities, the Parties agree:
That when the Participant practices or trains in their own space, the Parties are responsible for the Participant’s surroundings and the location and equipment that is selected for the Participant.
That the Participant’s mental and physical condition is appropriate to participate in the Activities and the Parties assume all risks related to the Participant’s mental and physical wellbeing.
That the Participant may experience anxiety while challenging themselves during the activity.
To comply with the rules and regulations for participation in the Activity.
To comply with the rules of the facility or organization.
That if the Participant observes an unusual significant hazard or risk, the Participant will remove themselves from participation and bring their observations to a representative of the Organization.
The risks associated with the Activities are increased when the Participant is impaired, and the Participant will not participate if impaired in any way.
That it is their sole responsibility to assess whether any Activities are too difficult for the By the Participant commencing an Activity, they acknowledge and accept the suitability and conditions of the Activity.
That COVID-19 is contagious in nature and the Participant may be exposed to, or infected by, COVID-19 and such exposure may result in personal injury, illness, permanent disability, or loss of life; and that they are responsible for the choice of the Participant’s safety or protective equipment and the secure fitting of that equipment.
In consideration of the Organization allowing the Participant to participate, the Parties agree:
That the Parties are not relying on any oral or written statements made by the Organization or their agents, whether in brochure or advertisement or in individual conversations, to agree to participate in the Activity.
That the Organization is not responsible or liable for any damage to the Participant’s vehicle, property, or equipment that may occur as a result of the Activities; and
That this Agreement is intended to be as broad and inclusive as is permitted by law of the Province of Ontario and if any portion thereof is held invalid, the balance shall, notwithstanding, continue in full legal force.
The Parties agree that in the event that they file a lawsuit against the Organization, they agree to do so solely in the Province of Ontario and they further agree that the substantive law of the Province of Ontario will apply without regard to conflict of law.
The Parties acknowledge that they have read this agreement and understand it, that they have executed this agreement voluntarily, and that this Agreement is to be binding upon themselves, their heirs, their spouses, parents, guardians, next of kin, executors, administrators and legal or personal representatives.